Wednesday, 18 June 2014

I spy.... Alice

Pretty serious about their alcohol here in the Territory


Yep, that's right!
Watch out for people...we found out why when we got to Alice...

Barrow Creek Telegraph Station

Look carefully had the head stone and read it...

 Pity we aren't in a more...zippy vehicle or we coulda had fun!

Almost there...

We made it!!

 First night sky in Alice

Just getting some firewood for our marshmallow cooking

Nice one Esther!

Nice look Philly!

I think Casey was the only sane one tonight! 

Eliza has taken many dogs in Alice for walks...She could make a fortune

Beautiful Sturt Dessert Peas throughout Alice


We had a big drive down to Uluru and KataJuta and on the way back after 260km wondered why our air conditioner wasn't working but only when we stopped to fill up, just to make sure we got back to Alice, with another 200km to go, did we realise what happened.

When the fan belt broke it took the sensor above it, with it.
What a stupid place to put the sensor!

Unexpected but not the end of the world.

Miles from anywhere, all we could do was pray.
We had left our bus back at Alice, thinking it would be cheaper on fuel to bring just the car.
Now we had to get back to Alice to pick up the bus to get it back here to tow our car back...
We needed a miracle!
Then we met Arthur!!
An answer to prayer. He took us ALL back to Alice and we all listened intently to his conversation on what it's like to work and live in an Aboriginal community.

 Thank you Arthur!!
Its been a blessing in disguise and sometimes we miss our blessing because we are too busy focusing on the so called 'failure' or 'detour' but we have met some great people, who have enriched our lives.
Never underestimate a detour, you discover some beautiful hidden treasures off the beaten track!!


This photo was taken the day after our car broke down...its a sign 
 We stand on His promises!

This is Janie Karpa and she did an amazing job painting our bus

 The kids enjoying lunch together. They played together all afternoon, having a wonderful time.
The man painting our bus in traditional landscape is Kevin Namitjira, quite a well known painter, who met the Queen this year. 
What an incredible blessing! 

The second day Janie brought her daughter Martha, who helped finish the painting. They are just beautiful!!

The cheeky boys!!
I facepainted them, while I got my bus painted...

 Bush tucker...honey ants, witchidy grubs, bush tomatoes, bush onions, peas and beans.
A family sitting down together, as the man hunts the food (that's us)
 We love it!!!

Phil found his twin!...actually not sure if its a little female too in parts?..

The MacDonnell Ranges (painted on the side of our bus)

Anzac Hill

Casey teaching Eliza to skateboard and Esther trying to teach her father...
mmm funny!

Super Skaters!

Flynn's Flying Doctor Service

Flynn - Royal Flying Dr Service

The beautiful mountain ranges all around Alice

Trying to reach

Welcome to the Botanic Gardens

The kids named this bird a Jamaican bird as his colours were very close to their flag. He was gorgeous. 

Native flora

 We all got to witness the miracle of life...this butterfly/moth just hatching from its chrysalis/cacoon and waiting for its wings to dry
Here is another a little bit older...probably only 20minutes older

 Here are the eggs and caterpillars eating as they hatch.
Here's that same butterfly/moth only 15 minutes later, wings transformed, even more colour as they dry and un-crease.

 One of Eliza's favourite animals (insects)
finally got the part and Phil the mechanic...

is successful in fixing the car!!

Tonight we decided to give the Smores a go!... well the Sey-smores!

just taking in all the fun we had today...all over Alice

Yum! They are good

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