Sunday 8 June 2014

Cairn we get to Normanton?!...

 Sugar yards? Tick :)

Yes Mum I'm doing my homework!!

A modern drover?...

Oh what a surprise....It was a lovely drive getting here.

This went on for miles

and miles....

Are we there yet?

No son, a little longer...

"Make sure you get my good side"

This is what I found while the boys were looking for the right tree for a didgeridoo

Run man! Run!

...and miles...

Ooooo this is barriers...
and you I don't know if you can see, but just at the top of the hill, a truck coming the other way


The Gulf of Carpentaria...not far

We got to the next rest before sun down and had a great swim in the pool before getting a good nights sleep.

and meeting our little neighbour

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