Saturday, 12 July 2014

What a Port!

Before we start this post, I have heard a few of you have tried to make comments and have not seen them appear...
Before they get published, they get sent to my email, where I get to approve them first...however, I have only had two people's comments so far.
So just to get it right, at the bottom on my post there is a comment box. This is where you get to type your comment and hit the publish button. From here, as I understand, it gets sent to my email...keep trying, as one commenter said, it is a bit of hit and miss...give it a go!!
On our way to Port Hedland
Lots and lots of driving

They are very strict on their quarantine here


There were herds of cattle

The stations are so big they even have their own channel on UHF

Petrol was really expensive at Sandfire, about $2 a litre.

Welcome to rip off-ville, where we over charge for fuel and wont give you water either.

Drilling for something here.

More burning off...

clever way of looking for what's under the ground. 

Having a great time together, while driving.



Gotta love people's sense of humour!!
see if you can spot it!

Just getting into Port Hedland on sunset

The three companies mining for iron ore here are BHP Billiton, FMG and Rio Tinto.
Good shares Uncle Mark.

The infrastructure here was incredible! 

Beautiful place to 'rest' the night

Morning sunrise at Port Hedland
Up the next morning and Eliza decided to teach the birds to follow her...she just pretended to have something they wanted, very clever young girl our Eliza!




Benjamin thought it was a great spot to stay, lots of concrete to skate around on.

This is why we rested and not 'camped' didn't see it until sunrise, as it was too dark when we arrived to see.

Cemetery Beach....mmm far from dead, it was so beautiful

Benjamin getting a ride from his very strong brother...sometimes mothers just shouldn't see things their kids do, it just freaks them out!!


The salt mines

Esther couldn't believe it!

"But it's in the open, anyone could do anything to it before we get it in the shops, yuk"!
This was a welcome silo, but didn't see it until we were leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Here is where you can add your comments.
    Just type in the box below and hit the 'publish' button.
