Saturday 19 July 2014

Down the Dunes at Lancelin

Phil wanted to take advantage of the weigh bridge that was still on at the grain silos...mmm
someone's put on a bit of weight!!!

Look at the view!

Still a bit to go, don't think we'll get there today.

So 'unreal'

Canola crops


mmmm, someone pinched my camera.
Phil gets morning tea at around 10:30 every morning, even while we drive...

We had to stop along the highway just to take a closer look at these beautiful flowers.

Even found a little Kangaroo Paw


Made it to Gingin. This is where we camped for the night.
We decided to do the dunes in Lancelin and it was too late to continue.

mmmmm "Off road" is code for "lots of fun"

Miles of sand!!

mmmm this one didn't go as planned Casey

What a great ride down the hill

Yep, you read all this after you do the dangerous things....

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