Tuesday 29 July 2014

A day or two in Freo

Well, we weren't going to go today, but the weather looked like it was good to go.
We jumped out of bed and got in the car, to the train station in Bassendean, bought a family ticket, that would get us around anywhere in Perth/Fremantle via the train, bus or ferry for only $12.
This is one of the first things that showed this town to be very friendly...also noticed when reading that they give seniors here free travel on public transport all year round.

Just passing through Subiaco on the way to Fremantle

Loved the mixture of Phil Seymour's name here!

Fremantle were a great example of how to keep the old architecture and make it work.
I loved it!

Arrr Phil...

Playing chess with his friends.

Playing chess with his sister...they didn't finish it but Eliza said "lets just say, I won"

Sipping a hot chocolate waiting for her next move.

mmmmmmm......macrons...we just had to try these at the Chocolate Lounge, it just wouldn't be right not to.

At the Freo markets and we found these yummy indian treats...we wanted a 'very hot' one but the man selling said 'oh for who is this for?' when we pointed to Casey, his response was 'ooooo no, no, no, very, very hot, very, very hot....no, no'....so we went with the pepper stuffed with curry in the top centre of the above photo.

These little mouthfuls of yum were just the right size for Casey's mouth....

Malteser cupcake

Spicy chicken wings with yoghurt sauce....so delicious...
if you think today was all about food....
you'd be right. That and lots of fun!

They all had a kransky with sauerkraut and mustard for lunch...after the cupcakes and chicken wings...
Look at those cookies... and take a look at the smores ones!!!

This store had nearly every note possible...the designs too were really nice.
Benjamin and Iron Man at the Fremantle Markets.

Oh yeah Casey also tried the crepes with Nutella...they seriously put on nearly half a jar of Nutella in that baby!!

Ummmm....this was something to do with a 'pawn' piece being much more than a chess game...I don't get it, but Bear thought it was quite amusing...as did Phil

An exact replica, in fact the Dutch said it was the closest thing they have seen to the original, and they would say if it wasn't.

Having a rest before heading to the wharf for a cruise down the (Black) Swan River.

mmmm....is that an angel on your shoulder Phil?



Trying on some headgear...

First jumper he's warn since we left home...he actually wanted to take it off, because it 'felt' funny.

Going under the bridge...

Having a ball!!

 Aaarrrrhhhhh, this is the life....

I think he could get used to this life.

Eliza was right at home in the wheel-house...when we docked she even helped tie the boat up...very cute!!!

The weather was coming in quite wet, just as we were about to dock...funny we haven't see rain since way back in Queensland, and even then it was one day.

Back in Perth, running to the train station.
Casey loved it, in his new jumper...

"Real weather"...Casey
Trying out the local hot chocolate...it was kept warm with a tea candle. It the caramel apparently was very good according to Eliza and so was the mocha that Casey had but Esther had the milk chocolate and I would agree it was way too sweet!!

For the price of a hot chocolate, Benjamin swindled a Time-zone game...which happened to not work properly so he scored a number of free rides and games for his brother and sisters...which they all enjoyed!

"This is awesome"!!

One of my favourite things about Fremantle was the original architecture. Its a credit to them, that they actually saw the value in it and kept it for us all to enjoy.

Big brother always there with his baby sister.

Kind of like a Beatles cover but not quite...

Eliza you wont get very far on that.

Just about to explore the Maritime museum.

Inside the museum...It was pretty fantastic.

Not sure what Esther was thinking about...
Posing under Australia II.

We were waiting here at the mustering point for our guide to take us on a Submarine.


The size of it was incredible. The way these men had to work and live in them was also very interesting.

Phil loved the tour.

Getting down into HMAS Ovens was the first challenge. It was a very tight squeeze.
"Watch your head"!

This contraption was only ever used in emergencies to produce oxygen, using the Carbon Dioxide.

This area was for storing and firing missiles and doubled as a bedroom.

The size of the beds were puny and the kids realised they have nothing to complain about.

The control room. No Eliza, you cannot push that red button!!

Another beautiful view of the town.

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