Saturday, 12 July 2014

Kununurra through Halls Creek to Derby


What an angel!!!

Lots of long stretches but beautiful scenery

The beautiful lake in the centre of town

This was hilarious...

We were after the boab nuts and Phil thought he could use the broom to knock them down...

He didn't think that when they came down he would have to chase them to catch them before they fell to the ground and smashed open...

As well as watching the broom as it came down...

We all had a go

Even the kids

Casey had a good idea, just get higher...

Not as young as he used to be!
Didn't hear the end of a sore back, as he landed wrong when reaching for the nut...hehehe

This crop we couldn't place
here is a close up of the leaf

The experimental crops went for miles

sorghum, melons, pumpkins and other crops

cool irrigation


beautiful soil

Indian sandalwood is just being harvested, different to normal sandalwood these ones need a host tree and take 15 years to mature before harvest

This is the sandalwood factory

Interesting power lines

Going over a bridge, this one with water...most don't

Many of these signs along the route, point out the very industrious and wealthy parts that you would otherwise not know about...

keeping the worms from biting, with a snack that Esther velvet cupcakes

Entering the Shire of Halls Creek

Lots of stray stock!! very dangerous on dusk...there was plenty of evidence that they are on the roads at night with road kill all along the stretch of road...


These ant hills are totally different from the ones in NT...

Keeping themselves amused on the very long drive today

This is the only photo I have to remind me of Benjamin and Eliza dancing around the campfire to Casey's didgeridoo playing...very funny

Max Wiltshire's planting in Halls Creek. Now his niece lives here as caretaker and Trevor is pastoring here at the moment.

Kevin showed us around...
We didn't venture very far outside, after his offer, as he then said 'just watch out for snakes, the King Brown's live just over there' pointing only 10 metres away...No thank you!!

Yes, I am still sharing the driving...and yes I am being careful!!

Going over the Fitzroy River at Fitzroy Crossing...

This was funny...
As we were leaving the town, we had money fly all over the road, Phil jammed on his breaks as he is yelling "Money, Money"!
We all stand up, realising that we only had a short time to get out and grab what we could before the traffic flew passed.
We also realised very quickly that the poor man driving the car that had just gone passed had accidently left his wallet on the outside of his car and it must have fallen of as he passed us.
Eliza and her detective work, found the only piece of information we needed to call the owner on his mobile phone. Thank goodness he only got 10 minutes up the road and we were still in range.
He waited for us and we returned all his belongings...$230 cash, many different licences, and other cards...
He was most appreciative and offered us cash but we declined, just happy he didn't lose everything like I had only a week or two ago...

Casey's caricature of Benjamin...Pretty Good I think!

Beautiful boabs dot the scenery everywhere

Right today but going left tomorrow

We made it!
This picture above is of our spot we parked for the night.
This town had only one park that would fit us and were wanting to charge over $70 just for a site with no thank you!

This man was very significant in Derby's history. He did a lot for getting the town moving forward
Keeping themselves amused with great coordination

This was a massive bee's nest on the boab tree above


The Derby Wharf

This one was used by big trucks and trains

Massive sea lice up here. That's Phil's finger to give you a size.
They would take your bait before you hooked a fish!


On the road again...

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