Wednesday 16 July 2014

Exmouth, our jaws drop!!

 Well this was a little unnerving coming into Exmouth to be greeted with a Warning sign...
This was the type of housing that was all getting developed as we entered...mmm
There were boats before some of the houses were finished.
 Some have a trout, some have a mango...Exmouth have a prawn...
An entry fee of $6 per adult gets you into this beautiful part of the coast.
Where you can visit Oyster Stacks for a magnificent snorkel adventure...
apparently I have it on good authority that it was better than the Great Barrier Reef for the sea life!!

No comment on this one...bad hair day, salt water...

Coral one, Casey zero..
(Coral won, Casey sore)
 Eliza was so cute, doing very well on her own. Very clever girl, getting the hang of it
Discovery centre.
They were really welcoming here, giving ALL of the kids an activity book...yep, even Casey!
This one was the skeleton but Phil and the kids saw a real one in the sea...even getting to touch it as it swam beside them.
This is at Mildura Bay, along the same coastline.
Tide is out and we went exploring near the wreck. The sea creatures are just amazing!
We were here for a couple of hours just exploring.
When I first saw these starfish, I thought they were fake, that someone had just put them there for you do...but they were genuine.
Alive!! Starfish! just amazing!
No Aunty Judith, you can't keep it, its alive!!
We had some friends to spend the day with too
Dave and his wife Penny are a lovely couple who were our family for a few days.
The view from the top of the lighthouse hill.
After warming up after their first snorkel, we went to Turquoise Bay. Casey, Eliza and I just stayed on the shore while the others got back in.
The colour of the water was just brilliant!

The second day, we came again with friends we met.
We had a great time with Dave and Penny.
Dave went snorkelling with the kids while Penny stayed on the beach with me. Bathing in the beautiful sun, while watching Eliza built sand castles. She had already been snorkelling again the second day and had had enough.

They looked like a pod of dolphins, snorkelling.

Told you, the sea water makes your hair go funny!!

You should have heard their stories. You couldn't shut them up...they'd seen this fish and that fish and held a turtle... they had a ball!
Even the biggest kid!

This kid was almost made for the sea...he'd be in their all day if you let him.

It was just magnificent.

Just a few of the fish you could see under the water.
The colours were awesome!

These few photos were captured on Eliza's underwater camera she got for Christmas.

As you can see, proof they enjoyed themselves.


They had worked up quite an appetite.




An emu with her chicks just outside the Naval Base.

 After a couple of days extra here in Exmouth, we have to move on.
We met some wonderful people, who we may just see again. 
We taught our beautiful Dutch friends the Tim Tam slam, while Eliza played them the Didge.

Just before we left town, we couldn't just pass by this ice cream van... especially when it reminded us of family (Uncle Mark)!!






1 comment:

  1. Clearly a long lost branch of the family (I'd know if there was a hint of ice-cream within 1000kms). Where did Casey get that burger? Looked awesome! Coastline not too bad to all UM&AM
