Thursday 4 September 2014

Through Clare Valley

Travelling to Adelaide through the Clare Valley

Obviously a bit windy...

And some beautiful crops.

Made it to Snowtown. Gorgeous welcome sign.
Someone went to a lot of work!

Few more kilometres to go and the road...not too bad.

This town is somewhere we could have jus pulled up the night without any hassles. Lots of room for our big rig.

Rum down but beautiful.

Through lovely towns.

We could have spent a whole day or two just meandering through the valley.

Look Jacqui!!! A Gilbert Valley!


What lovely buildings.
A lot of work, made to last.

This the Catholic Church at Sevenhills has its own working vineyard.
They make all the sacramental wine here.
We bought a present or two back with us.

Just so pretty.

This church is the only one like it in Australia...could you think why?

This is the Priest that won awards for his wine.

We were welcomed by a friendly cat, who was enjoying the heat from the wood fire next to it, on the cold rainy day we visited.

This is down underneath, in the cellar.

What makes this wine special is the soil its grown in.
The rich topsoil (about a metre) and then solid limestone.

This is what makes the church a little different from all the other ones in Australia...
It has its own crypt.
Eliza was the only child game enough to venture down there with Dad.

Still got a fair way to travel on to Adelaide.

Another learning appreciation class for the kids.

Learning where olives come from and how to harvest them.

Phil knows how to use a big stick well.

And I just held the umbrella underneath to catch.

They looked like blueberries but after starting the preserving process, they are definitely olives.

Through more country that looks a little like back home, apart from the canola.

This was somewhere I know Dad and Mum would visit and an Aunty and Uncle would also enjoy.


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