We've got a few kilometres to do.
A short stop to stretch the legs in Smoky Bay
The kids are having a ball, every playground they see is met with a loud shout "Can we stop"?
This is the way the locals head down to the boat ramp.
Another explore while I do lunch.
Beautiful view while preparing lunch...and feeding the seagulls.
The scenery was fascinating to say the least.
The rock through the area went for literally miles and miles.
Some farms had even used it to separate their paddocks.
Some walls would have been here for a very long time and taken years to build.
More wall!
Heaeding in the right direction
We arrived on tea time at Port Lincoln and with my Aunty's recipe, whipped up a favourite, apricot chicken.
After a nice visit with some old friends...they aren't old, its just we hadn't seen them for a very long time...hehe, we stopped in the main waterfront area the night, to get up quite early for a big drive the following day.
Onto Whyalla the following morning via Cleve, where we had found out they had a Field Days there.
What a crop
First stop Cleve
What a salami!!
Only Esther!!
My beautiful girls!!
They found a real police bike and had a great photo on it. Esther getting some good advice for future careers.
Benjamin, already a master at forward whip cracking, getting some advice on getting the backwards one going. He showed great determination, over half an hour, not giving up. I did hear a few cracks.
The Crackup Sisters were hilarious, had us all in tears!
Gorgeous smiles
I even joined in the fun!
Next stop Whyalla
We had a great time exploring the
This is one of the original mattresses the men used while on the ship.
Our kids have nothing to complain about.
This ship also had a life as a minesweeper after its time in the War.
A fun family photo
Oh Phil...
A really cool sleeping quarters for the captain.
I, I Captain!
This is the way the Captain got messages from the front to the back. Telling the crew how to control the engines. Really fantastic! I learned something.
The staff here at the Info Centre, Whyalla were brilliant.
We booked the tour of OneSteel here.
It was chauffer driven.
It was one of the things Phil had on his 'To Do' list.
We were in the right spot at the right time to see this coke come out. It was an awesome sight!!
It then got to the tower where it is cooled rapidly with water, producing billowing steam.
Which is also what I had always thought was smog, no just steam.
The thousands of steel beams.
They only cool here for no more than two hours. My cake takes longer to cool than that.
It was a fantastic tour. I highly recommend it.
mmmm obviously someone thought it was a boring drive.
We camped here the night at the local footy club, its a cheap sleep and a nice meal.
Keeping occupied on the way, making planes.
On our way to Adelaide.
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