Monday 8 September 2014

Mt Gambier

South Australia had very clean tunnels, in fact no where else in Australia did we have to pay to use roads. Thank you to SA for being a friendly State.

Maybe just a reminder for those contemplating overtaking on this bridge...mmm

stopped here to make lunch and had a good look at all these good looking trucks.


Having fun together with their new friends.

Just a beautiful view.

Nearly half way.

Home of the Big Lobster

What a magnificent sight!

We ate out dinner outside looking at the sunset.
We camped overnight in an area right next to the foreshore, donated by the council for fully self contained buses just like ours, free of charge.
Phil and I went for a walk through Kingston and found these....think I'll leave him here.
Not far to go now

One lonely little building.

This photo is for Phil...a cattle yard with everything.

A  very well kept pine plantation

Yay!! We're here
A fun kids section of the library in Mt Gambier
Free bike hire to explore the town.
Eliza had a ball, being chauffeured around by Daddy.
Just like in Holland.

A sound and light show put on by the City of Mount Gambier free of charge.

 Lady Nelson at night, at the Information Centre we are sleeping beside.


On our way to explore the natural wonder of the Blue Lake.


Visiting the Information Centre. It was actually well worth it.

An holographic presentation by Christina Smith.

Walking over bones and other artefacts in the Visitor Information Discovery Centre.


HMS Lady Nelson

Exploring the sink hole in the centre of town.

They are amazing!! and to think their could be more ready to just collapse...the whole town is built on these things.


Just another angle showing the depth...and not even getting the bottom.



Beautiful view from the back side of Blue Lake.
In the distance on the right you can just see another volcano.

The view from Tower Lookout.

A very very steep walk to the top

But the climb was worth it!!

Phil looking out to the whole of Mt Gambier with Brown Lake to the left and Blue Lake just out of site behind it.

Heading down.

Can't see it to good, but Eliza carved her name in the soft stone at the top.
The sculpture at the site of Umpherston Sinkhole. It is a visual explanation of how the sinkholes are formed.
Phil reading the plaque on the special seat.

This is at the site of another sinkhole, this one, The Umpherston Sinkhole.

Just amazing the size of these things.
This one actually used to have a small lake in it where Mr James Umpherston used to cruise around in a boat with his wife.

Honey in the Rock.

Beautiful intricate work of the bees in the crevices of the rock.

 Leaving now for somewhere beautiful

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