Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Between the Rock and a Mango

Lots of travel to do...
Phil doing a great job, driving through the dark just to get us there.
This is a town built on their cattle. 

Some beautiful buildings


The Cattle Sale Yards.

Mr Waite...thought you'd like this...

Really well designed and thought out.
Hope Wodonga have put a lot of research into theirs.

 The rounded races like Temple Grandin designed for the efficiency of cattle movement.

Benjamin casting a discerning eye over the work

They use horses instead of on foot, the cattle are far to wild.


Using electronic tagging and technology

Benjamin took this photo


Lots of women also worked here pretty much half half.




Beautiful stone church

Oh yeah our automatic window broke too!!

And the nice people of Rockhampton fixed it with a smile, only $60
All the bumping on Fraser broke the arm that holds the window to the winder...

Eating all together at a real table

This was where we decided to pull up for a day or two...we found power at the bbqs and there was a tap and toilets...what more could you ask for...right beside the Fitzroy River and park...

What a playground!! It kept the kids busy all day, literally, it was great! I could look from the kitchen window or sit on the park bench and they were happy playing...all of them!

The face you pull when you hit the end of the flying fox and bounce back hard!!

The coconuts found of Fraser Island a few days earlier...after lots of nagging and waiting for dad...


to show them how to do it...mmmm...

Thanks Bear!!!lovely bomber!!! 

And they're in!!!

Devouring the coconut, pitty dad lost the juice...oh well there's plenty more to practise on...any suggestions...leave in the comments box below this page...please

This was a beautiful mosaic Anzac tribute to a soldier enlisted from Rockhampton...just beautiful!



She loves her brother and he'd do almost anything for her

Trying to catch a big one...pity we didn't come prepared with bait...only jerky!! Who knew fish don't like chilli jerky!?!!


Master Fisherman...well he thinks so...

This was our back door for a few days...The Fitzroy River..

And these were the locals...for you Eadyn!!..not appropriate!
 Another day, another blessing!!!
Hey Annette, look how many tennis courts, they were beautiful!
Eliza getting a lesson on sugar cane
 Yes, behind the wheel again, only this time the seat wasn't quite right and I had to tip toe to reach, got a cramp
There is another Deep Creek!!

 This was a really cool idea Queensland, keeping the kids busy and the driver alert
 Bit of fun
 A sugar mill...I think
Eliza by the creek
 Lots of small little towns along the way
some unusual names too.
More sugar cane
 A mango grove
 Beautiful scenery
 I think these were strawberries or capsicum
Ahhh, the big Mango, we have arrived at Bowen
This information centre was supposed to be closed when we arrived but the lovely lady let us in and gave us information and even let us have some Mango Sorbet, only available right here